作者:中国IT实验室 来源:中国IT实验室 2007年9月23日
一个处理程序能够选择性地实现任何 RemoteModel 接口中的动作方法 ,采用两种方法之一:
类调用一个动作方法不能通过前面的 handler 类完成,那么基类 RemoteModelRequestHandler
类能够public class RMSCacheHandler extends RemoteModelRequestHandler { // ... public Movie getMovie(String movieKey) throws ModelException, ApplicationException { IndexEntry indexEntry = rmsAdapter.getIndexEntry(movieKey, IndexEntry.TYPE_MOVIE, IndexEntry.MODE_ANY); if (indexEntry != null) { return rmsAdapter.loadMovie(indexEntry.getRecordId()); } return super.getMovie(movieKey); } // ... } |
类中的 HTTPCommunicationHandler
类通过 HTTP 连接上的二进制 RPC 协议调用服务器端的远程过程。该协议定义如下:
所有从客户端到服务器端的 RPC 请求都遵循同一基本模式。数据流的第一个字节指定服务器端的界面会话 bean 必须执行的动作方法,余下的字节编码为 UTF 数据串序列,它表示传递给远程方法的参数。HTTP 数据流包含 RPC 返回值。请求和响应的格式对每一种方法来说都是唯一的,所以,你必须查看每一种方法的源代码,以确定准确的格式。
进入请求数据流第一个字节的 RPC 编码在 MessageConstants
package com.sun.j2me.blueprints.smartticket.shared.midp; public final class MessageConstants { public static final byte OPERATION_LOGIN_USER = 0; public static final byte OPERATION_CREATE_ACCOUNT = 1; public static final byte OPERATION_UPDATE_ACCOUNT = 2; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_THEATERS = 3; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_THEATER_SCHEDULE = 4; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_MOVIE = 5; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_MOVIE_POSTER = 6; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_MOVIE_SHOWTIMES = 7; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_SEATING_PLAN = 8; public static final byte OPERATION_RESERVE_SEATS = 9; public static final byte OPERATION_PURCHASE_TICKETS = 10; public static final byte OPERATION_CANCEL_SEAT_RESERVATION = 11; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_LOCALES = 12; public static final byte OPERATION_GET_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = 13; public static final byte OPERATION_INITIATE_SYNCHRONIZATION = 14; public static final byte OPERATION_SYNCHRONIZE_MOVIE_RATINGS = 15; public static final byte OPERATION_COMMIT_MOVIE_RATINGS = 16; public static final byte ERROR_NONE = 0; public static final byte ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPERATION = 1; public static final byte ERROR_SERVER_ERROR = 2; public static final byte ERROR_MODEL_EXCEPTION = 3; public static final byte ERROR_REQUEST_FORMAT = 4; private MessageConstants() {} } |
下面的两个类解释了一个 RPC 往返过程,HTTPCommunicationHandler
类的动作方法请求指定电影的信息,并调用 Movie
package com.sun.j2me.blueprints.smartticket.client.midp.model; public class HTTPCommunicationHandler extends RemoteModelRequestHandler { // ... public Movie getMovie(String movieKey) throws ModelException, ApplicationException { HttpConnection connection = null; DataOutputStream outputStream = null; DataInputStream inputStream = null; try { connection = openConnection(); updateProgress(); outputStream = openConnectionOutputStream(connection); // The RPC request outputStream.writeByte(MessageConstants.OPERATION_GET_MOVIE); outputStream.writeUTF(movieKey); outputStream.close(); updateProgress(); // unmarshal the return values inputStream = openConnectionInputStream(connection); Movie movie = Movie.deserialize(inputStream); updateProgress(); return movie; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ApplicationException(ErrorMessageCodes.ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT); } finally { closeConnection(connection, outputStream, inputStream); } } // Other action methods ... } package com.sun.j2me.blueprints.smartticket.shared.midp.model; public class Movie { private String primaryKey; private String title; private String summary; private String rating; private boolean alreadySeen = false; transient private byte[] poster = null; public static Movie deserialize(DataInputStream dataStream) throws ApplicationException { try { Movie movie = new Movie(); // Read the RPC response stream movie.primaryKey = dataStream.readUTF(); movie.title = dataStream.readUTF(); movie.summary = dataStream.readUTF(); movie.rating = dataStream.readUTF(); try { movie.alreadySeen = dataStream.readBoolean(); } catch (IOException ioe) { movie.alreadySeen = false; } try { return ModelObjectLoader.getInstance().getMovie(movie); } catch (ModelException me) { throw new ApplicationException(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new ApplicationException(ioe); } } // Other methods ... } |
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