作者:佚名 来源:BLOG 2007年10月14日
'在窗体中加入下列代码; Private Sub Form_Load() ' Set the LocalPort property to an integer. ' Then invoke the Listen method. tcpServer.LocalPort = 1001 tcpServer.Listen frmClient.Show ' Show the client form. End Sub Private Sub tcpServer_ConnectionRequest _ (ByVal requestID As Long) ' Check if the control's State is closed. If not, ' close the connection before accepting the new ' connection. If tcpServer.State <> sckClosed Then _ tcpServer.Close ' Accept the request with the requestID ' parameter. tcpServer.Accept requestID End Sub Private Sub txtSendData_Change() ' The TextBox control named txtSendData ' contains the data to be sent. Whenever the user ' types into the textbox, the string is sent ' using the SendData method. tcpServer.SendData txtSendData.Text End Sub Private Sub tcpServer_DataArrival _ (ByVal bytesTotal As Long) ' Declare a variable for the incoming data. ' Invoke the GetData method and set the Text ' property of a TextBox named txtOutput to ' the data. Dim strData As String tcpServer.GetData strData txtOutput.Text = strData End Sub |
Private Sub Form_Load() ' The name of the Winsock control is tcpClient. ' Note: to specify a remote host, you can use ' either the IP address (ex: "") or ' the computer's "friendly" name, as shown here. tcpClient.RemoteHost = "RemoteComputerName" tcpClient.RemotePort = 1001 End Sub Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() ' Invoke the Connect method to initiate a ' connection. tcpClient.Connect End Sub Private Sub txtSendData_Change() tcpClient.SendData txtSend.Text End Sub Private Sub tcpClient_DataArrival _ (ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim strData As String tcpClient.GetData strData txtOutput.Text = strData End Sub |
Private intMax As Long Private Sub Form_Load() intMax = 0 sckServer(0).LocalPort = 1001 sckServer(0).Listen End Sub Private Sub sckServer_ConnectionRequest _ (Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long) If Index = 0 Then intMax = intMax + 1 Load sckServer(intMax) sckServer(intMax).LocalPort = 0 sckServer(intMax).Accept requestID Load txtData(intMax) End If End Sub |
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