作者:马岩编译 来源:天极网 2007年12月28日
package net.frog_parrot.jump; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*; /** * This class is the display of the game. * * @author Carol Hamer */ public class JumpCanvas extends javax.microedition.lcdui.game.GameCanvas { //--------------------------------------------------------- // Dimension fields // (constant after initialization) /** * The height of the green region below the ground. */ static final int GROUND_HEIGHT = 32; /** * A screen dimension. */ static final int CORNER_X = 0; /** * A screen dimension. */ static final int CORNER_Y = 0; /** * A screen dimension. */ static int DISP_WIDTH; /** * A screen dimension. */ static int DISP_HEIGHT; /** * A font dimension. */ static int FONT_HEIGHT; /** * The default font. */ static Font FONT; /** * A font dimension. */ static int SCORE_WIDTH; /** * The width of the string that displays the time, * saved for placement of time display. */ static int TIME_WIDTH; /** * Color constant */ public static final int BLACK = 0; /** * Color constant */ public static final int WHITE = 0xffffff; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Game object fields /** * A handle to the display. */ private Display myDisplay; /** * A handle to the MIDlet object (to keep track of buttons). */ private Jump myJump; /** * The LayerManager that handles the game graphics. */ private JumpManager myManager; /** * Whether the game has ended. */ private boolean myGameOver; /** * The player's score. */ private int myScore = 0; /** * How many ticks you start with. */ private int myInitialGameTicks = 950; /** * This is saved to determine if the time string needs * to be recomputed. */ private int myOldGameTicks = myInitialGameTicks; /** * The number of game ticks that have passed. */ private int myGameTicks = myOldGameTicks; /** * You save the time string to avoid recreating it * unnecessarily. */ private static String myInitialString = "1:00"; /** * You save the time string to avoid recreating it * unnecessarily. */ private String myTimeString = myInitialString; //----------------------------------------------------- // Gets/sets /** * This is called when the game ends. */ void setGameOver() { myGameOver = true; myJump.pauseApp(); } //----------------------------------------------------- // Initialization and game state changes /** * Constructor sets the data, performs dimension calculations, * and creates the graphical objects. */ public JumpCanvas(Jump midlet) throws Exception { super(false); myDisplay = Display.getDisplay(midlet); myJump = midlet; // Calculate the dimensions. DISP_WIDTH = getWidth(); DISP_HEIGHT = getHeight(); Display disp = Display.getDisplay(myJump); if(disp.numColors() < 256) { throw(new Exception("game requires 256 shades")); } if((DISP_WIDTH < 150) || (DISP_HEIGHT < 170)) { throw(new Exception("Screen too small")); } if((DISP_WIDTH > 250) || (DISP_HEIGHT > 250)) { throw(new Exception("Screen too large")); } FONT = getGraphics().getFont(); FONT_HEIGHT = FONT.getHeight(); SCORE_WIDTH = FONT.stringWidth("Score: 000"); TIME_WIDTH = FONT.stringWidth("Time: " + myInitialString); if(myManager == null) { myManager = new JumpManager(CORNER_X, CORNER_Y + FONT_HEIGHT*2, DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT - FONT_HEIGHT*2 - GROUND_HEIGHT); } } /** * This is called as soon as the application begins. */ void start() { myGameOver = false; myDisplay.setCurrent(this); repaint(); } /** * Sets all variables back to their initial positions. */ void reset() { myManager.reset(); myScore = 0; myGameOver = false; myGameTicks = myInitialGameTicks; myOldGameTicks = myInitialGameTicks; repaint(); } /** * Clears the key states. */ void flushKeys() { getKeyStates(); } /** * This version of the game does not deal with what happens * when the game is hidden, so I hope it won't be hidden... * see the version in the next chapter for how to implement * hideNotify and showNotify. */ protected void hideNotify() {} /** * This version of the game does not deal with what happens * when the game is hidden, so I hope it won't be hidden... * see the version in the next chapter for how to implement * hideNotify and showNotify. */ protected void showNotify() {} //------------------------------------------------------- // Graphics methods /** * Paint the game graphic on the screen. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { // Clear the screen: g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillRect(CORNER_X, CORNER_Y, DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT); // Color the grass green: g.setColor(0, 255, 0); g.fillRect(CORNER_X, CORNER_Y + DISP_HEIGHT - GROUND_HEIGHT, DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT); // Paint the layer manager: try { myManager.paint(g); } catch(Exception e) { myJump.errorMsg(e); } // Draw the time and score: g.setColor(BLACK); g.setFont(FONT); g.drawString("Score: " + myScore, (DISP_WIDTH - SCORE_WIDTH)/2, DISP_HEIGHT + 5 - GROUND_HEIGHT, g.TOP|g.LEFT); g.drawString("Time: " + formatTime(), (DISP_WIDTH - TIME_WIDTH)/2, CORNER_Y + FONT_HEIGHT, g.TOP|g.LEFT); // Write game over if the game is over: if(myGameOver) { myJump.setNewCommand(); // Clear the top region: g.setColor(WHITE); g.fillRect(CORNER_X, CORNER_Y, DISP_WIDTH, FONT_HEIGHT*2 + 1); int goWidth = FONT.stringWidth("Game Over"); g.setColor(BLACK); g.setFont(FONT); g.drawString("Game Over", (DISP_WIDTH - goWidth)/2, CORNER_Y + FONT_HEIGHT, g.TOP|g.LEFT); } } /** * A simple utility to make the number of ticks look like a time. */ public String formatTime() { if((myGameTicks / 16) + 1 != myOldGameTicks) { myTimeString = ""; myOldGameTicks = (myGameTicks / 16) + 1; int smallPart = myOldGameTicks % 60; int bigPart = myOldGameTicks / 60; myTimeString += bigPart + ":"; if(smallPart / 10 < 1) { myTimeString += "0"; } myTimeString += smallPart; } return(myTimeString); } //------------------------------------------------------- // Game movements /** * Tell the layer manager to advance the layers and then * update the display. */ void advance() { myGameTicks--; myScore += myManager.advance(myGameTicks); if(myGameTicks == 0) { setGameOver(); } // Paint the display. try { paint(getGraphics()); flushGraphics(); } catch(Exception e) { myJump.errorMsg(e); } } /** * Respond to keystrokes. */ public void checkKeys() { if(! myGameOver) { int keyState = getKeyStates(); if((keyState & LEFT_PRESSED) != 0) { myManager.setLeft(true); } if((keyState & RIGHT_PRESSED) != 0) { myManager.setLeft(false); } if((keyState & UP_PRESSED) != 0) { myManager.jump(); } } } } |
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