作者:caishaoting 来源:CSDN BLOG 2007年10月31日
unit UnitOfficeEntrance; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms; function ShowDLLForm(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: string; AUserID: string):boolean;stdcall; function FreeDLLForm(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: string; AUserID: string):boolean;stdcall; implementation uses UnitOfficialMainForm; // 改成MAINFORM的unit var DLL_Form:TFormOfficialMain; //改成MAINFORM的NAME //----------------------------------------- //Name: ShowDLLForm //Func: DLL插件调用入口函数 //Para: AHandle 挂靠程序句柄; ACaption 本窗体标题 //Rtrn: N/A //Auth: CST //Date: 2005-6-3 //----------------------------------------- function ShowDLLForm(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: string; AUserID: string):boolean; begin result:=true; try Application.Handle:=AHandle; //挂靠到主程序容器 DLL_Form:=TFormOfficialMain.Create(Application); //改成MAINFORM的NAME try with DLL_Form do begin Caption := ACaption; StatusBar.Panels.Items[0].Text := AUserID; //Configure UI Show ; end; except on e:exception do begin dll_form.Free; end; end; except result:=false; end; end; //----------------------------------------- //Name: FreeDLLForm //Func: DLL插件调用出口函数 //Para: AHandle 挂靠程序句柄 //Rtrn: true/false //Auth: CST //Date: 2005-6-11 //----------------------------------------- function FreeDLLForm(AHandle: THandle; ACaption: string; AUserID: string):boolean; begin Application.Handle:=AHandle; //挂靠到主程序容器 if DLL_Form.Showing then DLL_Form.Close; //如果窗口打开先关闭,触发FORM.CLOSEQUERY可取消关闭过程 if not DLL_Form.Showing then begin DLL_Form.Free; result:=true; end //仍然打开状态,说明CLOSEQUERY.CANCLOSE=FALSE else begin result:=false; end; end; end. |
library Official; { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library’s USES clause AND your project’s (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } uses SysUtils, Classes, UnitOfficialDetailForm in ’UnitOfficialDetailForm.pas’ {FormOfficialDetail}, UnitOfficialMainForm in ’UnitOfficialMainForm.pas’ {FormOfficialMain}, UnitOfficeEntrance in ’UnitOfficeEntrance.pas’, UnitOfficialClass in ’..\..\Public\Library\UnitOfficialClass.pas’, UnitMyDataAdatper in ’..\..\Public\Library\UnitMyDataAdatper.pas’, UnitMyHeaders in ’..\..\Public\Library\UnitMyHeaders.pas’; {$R *.res} exports ShowDLLForm,FreeDLLForm; //接口函数 begin end. |
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