/** * 默认图片 */ private String imagePath=""; /* * 激活图片,如果为空说明此图片无效 */ private String selectImgPath=null; /** * 组 */ public static int GROUP=1; /** * 记录 */ public static int ITEM=0; /** * 是否选中,如果选中则默认为展开状态 */ private boolean ifselected=false; /** * 显示Label */ private String label; /** * 类型:组,记录 */ private int type; /** * 存储的对象 */ |
private Vector itemList = new Vector(); /*用来存储内容的数据结构*/ private ExpandListItem currentSelectedObject = null; /*当前所选择的对象,方便获取*/ private int currentSelectedIndex = -1; /*当前选择的对象在队列中的Index,队列有两个,一个是真实数据的存储Vector,另外一个是显示在屏幕上的队列。这两个有时候是不一样的。因为有的节点有子节点*/ private Vector appearHookList = new Vector(); /*显示在屏幕上的Label队列*/ |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
ExpandList.java package com.skystudio.ExpandList; public class ExpandListItem { public ExpandListItem(Object content,String imgPath,String selectImgPath,String Label,int type,boolean ifselected){ this.selectImgPath=selectImgPath; this.imagePath=imgPath; this.content=content; this.label=Label; this.type=type; this.ifselected=ifselected; } /** * 默认图片 */ private String imagePath=""; /* * 激活图片,如果为空说明此图片无效 */ private String selectImgPath=null; /** * 组 */ public static int GROUP=1; /** * 记录 */ public static int ITEM=0; /** * 是否选中 */ private boolean ifselected=false; /** * 显示Label */ private String label; /** * 类型:组,记录 */ private int type; /** * 存储的对象 */ private Object content; public Object getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(Object content) { this.content = content; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public int getType() { return type; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } public boolean Ifselected() { return ifselected; } public void setIfselected(boolean ifselected) { this.ifselected = ifselected; } public String toString() { return this.label+" "; } public String getImagePath() { return imagePath; } public void setImagePath(String imagePath) { this.imagePath = imagePath; } public String getSelectImgPath() { return selectImgPath; } public void setSelectImgPath(String selectImgPath) { this.selectImgPath = selectImgPath; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package com.skystudio.ExpandList; import java.util.Vector; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image; import javax.microedition.lcdui.List; import com.skystudio.ui.toolkit.Util; /** * @author sky * */ public class ExpandList extends List implements CommandListener { private Vector itemList = new Vector(); private ExpandListItem currentSelectedObject = null; private int currentSelectedIndex = -1; private Vector appearHookList = new Vector(); public ExpandList(String title, int type, Vector itemList) { super(title, type); this.itemList = itemList; this.setCommandListener(this); LoadList(); } public void appendItem(ExpandListItem item, Image icon, boolean ifSub) { appearHookList.addElement(item); System.out.println("Add current display list:" + item); if (!ifSub) { this.append(item.getLabel(), icon); } else { this.append(" " + item.getLabel(), icon); } } public void Init() { int count = this.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { this.delete(0); } this.appearHookList.removeAllElements(); System.out.println("Now itemList:" + this.itemList); } public void LoadList() { Init(); for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++) { ExpandListItem elItem = (ExpandListItem) itemList.elementAt(i); if (elItem.getType() == ExpandListItem.GROUP) { Image icon = Util.getImage(elItem.getImagePath()); /** * @Debug */ if (elItem.Ifselected()) { if (elItem.getSelectImgPath() != null) { icon = Util.getImage(elItem.getSelectImgPath()); } System.out.println("Add Parent Node:"); this.appendItem(elItem, icon, false); Vector group = (Vector) elItem.getContent(); for (int j = 0; j < group.size(); j++) { ExpandListItem item = (ExpandListItem) group.elementAt(j); Image ic = Util.getImage(item.getImagePath()); System.out.println("Add Sub Node:"); this.appendItem(item, ic, true); } } else { System.out.println("Add Leave Node:"); this.appendItem(elItem, icon, false); } } else if (elItem.getType() == ExpandListItem.ITEM) { Image icon = Util.getImage(elItem.getImagePath()); this.appendItem(elItem, icon, false); } } if (this.currentSelectedIndex != -1) { this.setSelectedIndex(currentSelectedIndex, true); } } public Vector getItemList() { return itemList; } public void setItemList(Vector itemList) { this.itemList = itemList; } public void commandAction(Command arg0, Displayable arg1) { if (arg0 == List.SELECT_COMMAND) { /** * Set Current List Selected status */ this.currentSelectedIndex = this.getSelectedIndex(); System.out.println(this.appearHookList); this.currentSelectedObject = (ExpandListItem) this.appearHookList.elementAt(currentSelectedIndex); int indexInItemList = this.itemList.indexOf(this.appearHookList.elementAt(this.getSelectedIndex())); System.out.println(" Selected: " + currentSelectedIndex + " " + this.currentSelectedObject + " indexInItemList:" + indexInItemList); /** * */ if (this.currentSelectedObject.getType() == ExpandListItem.GROUP) { if (this.currentSelectedObject.Ifselected() == false) {// Previous // item // status // is // contractive,need // to be // expanded. System.out.println(this.currentSelectedObject.Ifselected()); this.itemList.removeElementAt(indexInItemList); this.currentSelectedObject.setIfselected(true); this.itemList.insertElementAt(currentSelectedObject, indexInItemList); } else { this.itemList.removeElementAt(indexInItemList); this.currentSelectedObject.setIfselected(false); this.itemList.insertElementAt(currentSelectedObject, indexInItemList); } this.Init(); this.LoadList(); } else { if (this.currentSelectedObject.getSelectImgPath() != null) { if (this.currentSelectedObject.Ifselected() == false) { Image icon = Util.getImage(this.currentSelectedObject.getSelectImgPath()); System.out.println(this.currentSelectedObject.Ifselected()); this.itemList.removeElementAt(indexInItemList); this.currentSelectedObject.setIfselected(true); this.itemList.insertElementAt(currentSelectedObject,indexInItemList); this.delete(this.currentSelectedIndex); this.insert(this.currentSelectedIndex, this.currentSelectedObject.getLabel(), icon); } else { Image icon = Util.getImage(this.currentSelectedObject.getImagePath()); this.itemList.removeElementAt(indexInItemList); this.currentSelectedObject.setIfselected(false); this.itemList.insertElementAt(currentSelectedObject,indexInItemList); this.delete(this.currentSelectedIndex); this.insert(this.currentSelectedIndex, this.currentSelectedObject.getLabel(), icon); } this.setSelectedIndex(this.currentSelectedIndex,true); } } } } } |
import java.util.Vector; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Choice; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display; import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet; import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeException; import com.skystudio.Canvas.ListCanvas; import com.skystudio.ExpandList.ExpandList; import com.skystudio.ExpandList.ExpandListItem; public class Main extends MIDlet { Display d=null; protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException { d=Display.getDisplay(this); ListTest(); } private void TestUI(){ ListCanvas l=new ListCanvas(); d.setCurrent(l); } private void ListTest(){ Vector v1=new Vector(); for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ v1.addElement(new ExpandListItem("土匪"+Integer.toString(i),"/img/default.png","/img/Group-open.png","土匪"+Integer.toString(i),ExpandListItem.ITEM,false)); } String v2="警察"; Vector v3=new Vector(); for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ v3.addElement(new ExpandListItem("警察"+Integer.toString(i),"/img/default.png","/img/Group-open.png","警察"+Integer.toString(i),ExpandListItem.ITEM,false)); } Vector v=new Vector(); v.addElement(new ExpandListItem(v1,"/img/Group-close.png","/img/Group-open.png","土匪帮",ExpandListItem.GROUP,false)); v.addElement(new ExpandListItem(v3,"/img/Group-close.png","/img/Group-open.png","警察局",ExpandListItem.GROUP,false)); v.addElement(new ExpandListItem(v2,"/img/default.png","/img/Group-open.png","法官",ExpandListItem.ITEM,false)); d.setCurrent(new ExpandList("花名册",Choice.IMPLICIT,v)); } protected void pauseApp() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } |
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