很多软件以取得网卡地址作为license验证,这不失为一个验证合法用户的好办法,不过要付出回复用户电话、传真的代价哦 ^_^
private const ncbastat = &h33
private const ncbnamsz = 16
private const heap_zero_memory = &h8
private const heap_generate_exceptions = &h4
private const ncbreset = &h32
private type ncb
ncb_command as byte
ncb_retcode as byte
ncb_lsn as byte
ncb_num as byte
ncb_buffer as long
ncb_length as integer
ncb_callname as string * ncbnamsz
ncb_name as string * ncbnamsz
ncb_rto as byte
ncb_sto as byte
ncb_post as long
ncb_lana_num as byte
ncb_cmd_cplt as byte
ncb_reserve(9) as byte '' reserved, must be 0
ncb_event as long
end type
private type adapter_status
adapter_address(5) as byte
rev_major as byte
reserved0 as byte
adapter_type as byte
rev_minor as byte
duration as integer
frmr_recv as integer
frmr_xmit as integer
iframe_recv_err as integer
xmit_aborts as integer
xmit_success as long
recv_success as long
iframe_xmit_err as integer
recv_buff_unavail as integer
t1_timeouts as integer
ti_timeouts as integer
reserved1 as long
free_ncbs as integer
max_cfg_ncbs as integer
max_ncbs as integer
xmit_buf_unavail as integer
max_dgram_size as integer
pending_sess as integer
max_cfg_sess as integer
max_sess as integer
max_sess_pkt_size as integer
name_count as integer
end type
private type name_buffer
name as string * ncbnamsz
name_num as integer
name_flags as integer
end type
private type astat
adapt as adapter_status
namebuff(30) as name_buffer
end type
private declare function netbios lib "netapi32.dll" _
(pncb as ncb) as byte
private declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias _
"rtlmovememory" (hpvdest as any, byval hpvsource as long, _
byval cbcopy as long)
private declare function getprocessheap lib "kernel32" () _
as long
private declare function heapalloc lib "kernel32" _
(byval hheap as long, byval dwflags as long, _
byval dwbytes as long) as long
private declare function heapfree lib "kernel32" _
(byval hheap as long, byval dwflags as long, lpmem as any) _
as long
private function ethernetaddress(lananumber as long) _
as string
dim udtncb as ncb
dim bytresponse as byte
dim udtastat as astat
dim udttempastat as astat
dim lngastat as long
dim strout as string
dim x as integer
udtncb.ncb_command = ncbreset
bytresponse = netbios(udtncb)
udtncb.ncb_command = ncbastat
udtncb.ncb_lana_num = lananumber
udtncb.ncb_callname = "* "
udtncb.ncb_length = len(udtastat)
lngastat = heapalloc(getprocessheap(), _
heap_generate_exceptions or heap_zero_memory, udtncb.ncb_length)
strout = ""
if lngastat then
udtncb.ncb_buffer = lngastat
bytresponse = netbios(udtncb)
copymemory udtastat, udtncb.ncb_buffer, len(udtastat)
with udtastat.adapt
for x = 0 to 5
strout = strout & right$("00" & hex$(.adapter_address(x)), 2)
next x
end with
heapfree getprocessheap(), 0, lngastat
end if
ethernetaddress = strout
end function
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华为开发者大会2020(Cloud)- 科技行者