在.NET中建立Web service的安全措施,第三部分

ZDNet软件频道 时间:2002-11-28 作者:Techmail 代码页 |  我要评论()
<WebMethod()> Public Function HelloWorld() As String
Dim requestCtx As SoapContext = HttpSoapContext.RequestContext

If requestCtx Is Nothing Then
Throw New ApplicationException("Only SOAP requests are
End If

If Validate(requestCtx) = False Then
Throw New SoapException("Security token specified was not
valid", New System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName("Bad.Tokens",
End If

Dim responseCtx As SoapContext = HttpSoapContext.ResponseContext
responseCtx.Timestamp.Ttl = 60000

Return "HelloWorld"

Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Function

Private Function Validate(ByVal Ctx As SoapContext) As Boolean
' If no security tokens are present, return false immediately
If Ctx.Security.Tokens.Count = 0 Then Return False

Dim valid As Boolean
Dim Count As Int16 = 0

For Count = 0 To Ctx.Security.Elements.Count - 1
Dim signature As Signature = Ctx.Security.Elements(Count)

If Not signature Is Nothing And signature.IncludesSoapBody Then
Dim UserToken As UsernameToken = signature.SecurityToken
If Not UserToken Is Nothing Then
Dim UserName As String = UserToken.Username
' Empty code block, this is where you would validate the
UserName value itself against a datastore
valid = True
End If
End If

Return valid

End Function 

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