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至顶网软件频道系统技术开发新篇章:编译linux内核 (10)

系统技术开发新篇章:编译linux内核 (10)

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--- The compressor will be built as a module only! [ ] Enable procfs status report (+2kb) (NEW) (Normal) Debugging output

作者:weizhishu 来源:chinalunixpub 2007年11月2日

关键字: 内核 开发 技术 Linux

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--- The compressor will be built as a module only!

[ ] Enable procfs status report (+2kb) (NEW)

(Normal) Debugging output

--- Hardware configuration

(Standard) Floppy tape controllers

# 如果您有备份磁带机,可以选择,

# 不过,最好看看 help 的说明。

<*> /dev/agpgart (AGP Support)

# 现在的显示卡都是 AGP 的吧?

[ ] Intel 440LX/BX/GX and I815/I840/I850 support

[ ] Intel I810/I815 (on-board) support

[ ] VIA chipset support

[ ] AMD Irongate support

[*] Generic SiS support

[ ] ALI chipset support

[ ] Serverworks LE/HE support

[*] Direct Rendering Manager (XFree86 4.1.0 and higher DRI support)

3dfx Banshee/Voodoo3+

3dlabs GMX 2000

ATI Rage 128

ATI Radeon

Intel I810

Matrox g200/g400

# 如果可以编为模组,就编进模组。

# 如果确定不会用到特别型号的显示卡,那就不用选择。

PCMCIA character devices --->

PCMCIA serial device support

# 模组嘛~~

Multimedia devices --->

Video For Linux

# 有影/音撷取卡吗?不妨试试。

Video For Linux --->

[*] V4L information in proc filesystem (NEW)

I2C on parallel port (NEW)

--- Video Adapters

BT848 Video For Linux (NEW)

Mediavision Pro Movie Studio Video For Linux (NEW)

Quickcam BW Video For Linux (NEW)

CPiA Video For Linux (NEW)

CPiA Parallel Port Lowlevel Support (NEW)

CPiA USB Lowlevel Support (NEW)

SAA5249 Teletext processor (NEW)

SAB3036 tuner (NEW)

Zoran ZR36057/36060 Video For Linux (NEW)

Zoran ZR36120/36125 Video For Linux (NEW)

# 我是有张很古老的,不知道是否可以呢?

Radio Adapters --->

ADS Cadet AM/FM Tuner (NEW)

AIMSlab RadioTrack (aka RadioReveal) support (NEW)

AIMSlab RadioTrack II support (NEW)

Aztech/Packard Bell Radio (NEW)

GemTek Radio Card support (NEW)

GemTek PCI Radio Card support (NEW)

Guillemot MAXI Radio FM 2000 radio (NEW)

Maestro on board radio (NEW)

< > miroSOUND PCM20 radio (NEW)

# 这个不能选,因为我发现在编译的时候编不下去。

# 不知道是什麽原因啦~~~

SF16FMI Radio (NEW)

TerraTec ActiveRadio ISA Standalone (NEW)

Trust FM radio card (NEW)

Typhoon Radio (a.k.a. EcoRadio) (NEW)

[ ] Support for /proc/radio-typhoon (NEW)

Zoltrix Radio (NEW)

# 除了内建外,都编成模组了。

# 不过,如果确定不玩这东西,那也不用理会。

# 有时候,这些新玩意在编译模组的时候,

# 会遇到奇怪的错误,那就回来取消它们吧。

# (像 miroSOUND 的 PCM20,

# 会出现 Unrsolved symbols 的问题)

File systems --->

[*] Quota support

# 要设定 quota 的话,一定要选。

<*> Kernel automounter support

<*> Kernel automounter version 4 support (also supports v3)

# 如果打算玩 automount,请选择。

DOS FAT fs support

MSDOS fs support

UMSDOS: Unix-like file system on top of standard MSDOS fs

VFAT (Windows-95) fs support

# 相信很多人的机器上还有 MS Windows 吧?

Compressed ROM file system support

[*] Virtual memory file system support (former shm fs)

Simple RAM-based file system support

<*> ISO 9660 CDROM file system support

# 标准的 CDROM 格式,不能不选。

[*] Microsoft Joliet CDROM extensions

# 这个格式的 CDROM 也蛮多的。

Minix fs support

FreeVxFS file system support (VERITAS VxFS(TM) compatible)

NTFS file system support (read only)

# 读取 NT 的档案系统(唯读),

# 不过,我在编译的时候,无论是内建或模组都失败。

# 然而,您可以手工修改 /usr/src/linux/fs/ntfs/unistr.c,

# 找到下面的第一和第三行句子,加上中间那行就可以了:

# #include

# #include

# #include

# (要保留 # 符号哦)

# 否则不要选。

OS/2 HPFS file system support

[*] /proc file system support

# 这个是核心自己使用的,一定要选。

[*] /dev/pts file system for Unix98 PTYs

ROM file system support

<*> Second extended fs support

# 这是 Linux 预设的档案格式,不能不选。

# RH7.2 已经用 EXT3 了,

# 不过我不知道如何编译 EXT3。

System V/Xenix/V7/Coherent file system support

UDF file system support (read only)

UFS file system support (read only)

# 上面的,基本是预设内建的,

# 我都没碰,能模组的就模组吧。

Network File Systems --->

Coda file system support (advanced network fs)

# 非常优秀的网路档案系统,有空不妨玩玩。

<*> NFS file system support

# 作为网路玩家,这个不可不会。

[*] Provide NFSv3 client support

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