
ZDNet软件频道 时间:2008-06-30 作者: | 中国IT实验室 我要评论()
本文关键词:方法 实现 JSP
  一般对于没有美工人员介入的项目,当选定web框架后,我会使用此web框架的html标签库,但是一旦有美工人员参与,我一般都放弃使用这些框架中的html标签库,就拿strurs和webwork来说吧,我宁愿把表单域写成这样:<input type="text" name="username" value="<c:out value="$" /> >,也不愿意用<html:text property="username" />或者<ww:textfield name="username" />。尽管后者看起来很清爽,但是这对于一个和美工合作的项目来说,对自己简直是一种折磨。
  package net.libo.web.taglib;
  import java.util.ArrayList;
  import java.util.HashMap;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.Iterator;
  import javax.servlet.JSP.JSPException;
  import javax.servlet.JSP.JSPWriter;
  import javax.servlet.JSP.tagext.BodyContent;
  import javax.servlet.JSP.tagext.BodyTagSupport;
  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
  import net.libo.web.util.HtmlEncoder;import net.libo.web.util.HtmlUtils;
  /** * @author Boyce * */public class FieldBindTag extends BodyTagSupport
  {  private Object[] beans = null;
  private String beanNames = null;
  * Sets bean names with value of the "bean" attribute.
  *   * @param v   bean names
  */  public void setBeans(String v) {
  beanNames = v;
  * Gets bean names.
  * @return bean names
  public String getBeans() {
  return beanNames;
  public int doStartTag() {
  String[] b = beanNames.split(",");
  ArrayList beanList = new ArrayList();
  for (int i=0;i<b.length;i++) {
  String name = b[i].trim();
  if (name.length() > 0) {
  Object bean = pageContext.findAttribute(name);
  if (bean != null)beanList.add(bean);
  beans = beanList.toArray();
  * Performs smart form population.
  *   * @return SKIP_BODY
  public int doAfterBody() {
  BodyContent body = getBodyContent();
  try {
  JSPWriter out = body.getEnclosingWriter();
  String bodytext = body.getString();
  bodytext = populateForm(bodytext);
  } catch (Exception ex)
  return SKIP_BODY;
  * End of tag.
  * @return EVAL_PAGE
  * @throws JSPException
  */  public int doEndTag() throws JSPException {
  beans = null;
  return EVAL_PAGE;  }
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------- populate
  private String populateForm(String html) throws Exception {
  int i = 0, s = 0;
  StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(html.length());
  String currentSelectName = null;
  while (true) {
  // find starting tag
  i =    html.indexOf('<', s);
  if (i == -1) {
  // input tag not found
  result.append(html.substring(s, i));
  // tag found, all before tag is stored
  s = i;
  // find closing tag
  i =
  html.indexOf('>', i);
  if (i == -1) {
  // closing tag not found
  // match tags
  String tag = html.substring(s, i);
  String tagName = HtmlUtils.getTagName(tag);
  if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("input") == true) {
  String tagType = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "type");
  if (tagType != null) {
  String name = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "name");
  HashMap params = new HashMap();
  params.put("name", name);
  Object vobj = findValue(name);
  if (vobj != null) {
  String value = vobj.toString();
  tagType = tagType.toLowerCase();
  if (tagType.equals("text")) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "value", value);
  } if (tagType.equals("hidden")) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "value", value);
  } if (tagType.equals("image")) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "value", value);
  } if (tagType.equals("password")) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "value", value);
  } if (tagType.equals("checkbox")) {
  String tagValue = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "value");
  if (tagValue == null) {
  tagValue = "true";
  if (tagValue.equals(value)) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "checked");
  } if (tagType.equals("radio")) {
  String tagValue = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "value");
  if (tagValue != null) {
  if (tagValue.equals(value)) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "checked");
  }                }
  } else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("textarea") == true) {
  String name = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "name");
  Object value = findValue(name);
  if (value != null) {
  if (value != null) {
  tag += HtmlEncoder.encode(value.toString());
  }                }
  } else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("select") == true) {
  currentSelectName = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "name");
  } else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("/select") == true) {
  currentSelectName = null;
  } else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("option") == true) {
  if (currentSelectName != null) {
  String tagValue = HtmlUtils.getAttribute(tag, "value");
  if (tagValue != null) {
  Object vals = findValue(currentSelectName);
  if (vals != null) {
  if (vals.getClass().isArray()) {
  Object[] arr = (Object[])vals;
  if (arr.length > 0) {
  String[] vs = new String[arr.length];
  for (int j=0;j<arr.length;j++) {
  vs[j] = arr[j].toString();
  for (int k = 0; k < vs.length; k++) {
  String vsk = vs[k];
  if (vsk != null) {
  if (vsk.equals(tagValue)) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "selected");
  } else if (vals instanceof Collection) {
  Collection arr = (Collection)vals;
  int arrsize = arr.size();
  if (arrsize > 0) {
  String[] vs = new String[arrsize];
  int j=0;
  for (Iterator it=arr.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
  vs[j++] = it.next().toString();
  for (int k = 0; k < vs.length; k++) {
  String vsk = vs[k];
  if (vsk != null) {
  if (vsk.equals(tagValue)) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "selected");
  } else {
  String value = vals.toString();
  if (value.equals(tagValue)) {
  tag = HtmlUtils.addAttribute(tag, "selected");
  s = i;
  return result.toString();
  protected Object findValue(String name) {
  Object value = null;
  for (int i=0;i<beans.length;i++) {
  if (beans[i] != null) {
  try {
  value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(beans[i], name);
  } catch (Exception e)
  if (value != null) break;
  return value;

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