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至顶网软件频道基础软件Solaris - ln 命令为目录建立连接

Solaris - ln 命令为目录建立连接

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Solaris - ln 命令为目录建立连接

作者:blog.chinaunix.net 来源:blog.chinaunix.net 2007年9月7日

关键字: 系统 命令 Sun Solaris

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#ln -s sourceDir targetLinkName

 -s    Create a symbolic link.

       If the -s option is used with  two  arguments,  target
       may  be  an existing directory or a non-existent file.
       If target already exists and is not  a  directory,  an
       error  is  returned.  source_file may be any path name
       and need not exist. If it exists, it may be a file  or
       directory  and  may  reside on a different file system
       from target. If target is  an  existing  directory,  a
       file  is  created  in  directory  target whose name is
       source_file or the last component of source_file. This
       file  is  a symbolic link that references source_file.
       If target does not exist, a file with name  target  is
       created  and  it  is  a  symbolic link that references

       If the -s option is used with more than two arguments,
       target  must be an existing directory or an error will
       be returned. For each source_file, a link  is  created
       in   target  whose  name  is  the  last  component  of
       source_file. Each new source_file is a  symbolic  link
       to  the original source_file. The files and target may
       reside on different file systems.
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