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Breaking Down c0t2d0s7  This section breaks down the different components of a disk device file. In this example, I will be using the disk device file: c0t2d0s7.

作者:blog.chinaunix.net 来源:blog.chinaunix.net 2007年9月8日

关键字: 磁盘 系统 Sun Solaris

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  Under Solaris, one of the most involved UNIX devices to understand is the disk device file. Here are several key points that may help:

  In many cases, a disk device file(i.e. /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7) refers to a particular partition (aka "slice") of a disk, and not the entire physical device. There are several device files which refer to the entire physical device, but are rarely used.

  For every disk device, there are usually two device files - the block deviceand the character ("raw") device. In general:

  block devicesare generally stored under /dev/dskand used for filesystem type access (e.g mount)

  character devicesare generally stored under /dev/rdskused for everything else (e.g. fsck, newfs, etc..)

  Discs are generally attached to a controller (or a bus) which can handle multiple devices. IDE and SCSI are both common attach methods. This tends to make disk device filenamemore complex than other types of devices.


  To see the difference between the block deviceand character devicefor a device, consider the following. The /etc/vfstabcontains entries for a single filesystem on a Solaris server: /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s7 /opt ufs 3 yes - The first 2 fields in the above entry, list the same disk device as both a block device("dsk") and character device("rdsk"). The block device is used by mountwhen mounting the filesystem while the character deviceis used by fsckwhen checking the filesystem and newfswhen creating the filesystem.. Both fields must be present in /etc/vfstab.

  Breaking Down c0t2d0s7

  This section breaks down the different components of a disk device file. In this example, I will be using the disk device file: c0t2d0s7. The four components of the disk device file are: controller, target, LUN and slice/partition and further defined in the following table:

  c0 This device is attached to controller #0. On a SPARCstation this is usually the on-board SCSI or IDE controller. If this is a PC it usually refers to the first IDE controller on the motherboard.

  t2 The device is target #2 - (i.e. the second device on this controller.)On a SCSI controller this is the SCSI target ID and is usually set via a switch on any external enclosure or by jumpers on the disk itself. On an IDE controller target #2 refers to the second IDE disk. With IDE this is generally determined by the device's position on the IDE cable.

  d0 The device is Logical Unit / "LUN" #0 (the first) on this target. Under SCSI a single target can support up-to eight devices. This is rarely seen in practice, but some hardware raid controllers use LUNs.

  s7 Slice or Partition number 7. Under Solaris, this relates to the partition number as set when using the formatcommand.


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