REM -- create a table of base words and exceptions create or replace package genword as function get_word(n number) return varchar2; function cardinal(n number) return varchar2; end genword; / show errors; create or replace package body genword as function get_word(n number) return varchar2 is l_wordnumwords.word%type; begin select word into l_word from numwords where lang = sys_context('userenv','lang') and num = n; return l_word; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; -- function cardinal(n number) return varchar2 is p number; -- power t varchar2(30); -- template v number; -- lower portion l_word numwords.word%type; begin if n < 0 then l_word := get_word(-1); if l_word is null then return null; end if; return l_word||' '||cardinal(-n); end if; l_word := get_word(n); if l_word is not null then return l_word; end if; for row in ( select * from numrules where lang = sys_context('userenv','lang') order by seq ) loop if length(n) <= row.p1 + row.p2 then p := power(10,row.p2); v := mod(n,p); if row.seq = 0 then if n < 20 then return replace(row.temp0,'~2',cardinal(v)); end if; else if v = 0 then return replace(row.temp0,'~1',cardinal(n/p)); else return replace(replace(nvl(row.temp,'~1 ~2'), '~1',cardinal(n-v)), '~2',cardinal(v)); end if; end if; end if; end loop; return 'NUMBER TOO LARGE'; end cardinal; end genword; / show errors;