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Visual C# .NET 入门:小结

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   本入门指南旨在帮助您用 Visual Studio 构建一个简单的 C# 项目。它无法进行全面的介绍。我们鼓励您查询关于 C# 和 .NET 的其他资源,以便更多地学习这些技术。在完成本教程之后,您至少有了一个可用的项目。

作者:中国IT实验室 来源:中国IT实验室 2007年9月27日

关键字: C# Visual 编程

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    本入门指南旨在帮助您用 Visual Studio 构建一个简单的 C# 项目。它无法进行全面的介绍。我们鼓励您查询关于 C# 和 .NET 的其他资源,以便更多地学习这些技术。在完成本教程之后,您至少有了一个可用的项目,在您研究 Visual C# 时,可以从修改此这些代码开始。


    其他资源我们强烈推荐下面这些关于 C# 和 .NET 平台的书籍。它们是开发人员尝试学习这些新技术的有益资源。

    Archer, Tom.Inside C#.Redmond:Microsoft Press, 2001.

    Deitel, Harvey.C#:How to Program.Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall, 2001.

    Gunnerson, Eric.A Programmer's Introduction to C#.New York:Apress, 2000.

    Platt, David.Introducing Microsoft .NET.Redmond:Microsoft Press, 2001.

    补遗:QuickSort C# .NET 的源代码下面是 QuickSort C# .NET 示例应用程序的完整源代码。您可以复制、使用和分发这些代码(无版权费)。注意,这些源代码以"原样"提供并且不作任何保证。

//  QuickSort C# .NET Sample Application
//  Copyright 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//  MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/academic]
//  This sample is part of a vast collection of resources we developed for
//  faculty members in K-12 and higher education. Visit the MSDN AA web site for more!
//  The source code is provided "as is" without warranty.
// Import namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
// Declare namespace
namespace MsdnAA
    // Declare application class
    class QuickSortApp
        // Application initialization
        static void Main (string[] szArgs)
            // Print startup banner
            Console.WriteLine ("\nQuickSort C#.NET Sample Application");
            Console.WriteLine ("Copyright (c)2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n");
            Console.WriteLine ("MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdnaa.net/]\n");
            // Describe program function
            Console.WriteLine ("This example demonstrates the QuickSort algorithm by reading an input file,");
            Console.WriteLine ("sorting its contents, and writing them to a new file.\n");
            // Prompt user for filenames
            Console.Write ("Source: ");
            string szSrcFile = Console.ReadLine ();
            Console.Write ("Output: ");
            string szDestFile = Console.ReadLine ();
            // Read contents of source file
            string szSrcLine;
            ArrayList szContents = new ArrayList ();
            FileStream fsInput = new FileStream (szSrcFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader srInput = new StreamReader (fsInput);
            while ((szSrcLine = srInput.ReadLine ()) != null)
                // Append to array
                szContents.Add (szSrcLine);
            srInput.Close ();
            fsInput.Close ();
            // Pass to QuickSort function
            QuickSort (szContents, 0, szContents.Count - 1);
            // Write sorted lines
            FileStream fsOutput = new FileStream (szDestFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter srOutput = new StreamWriter (fsOutput);
            for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < szContents.Count; nIndex++)
                // Write line to output file
                srOutput.WriteLine (szContents[nIndex]);
            srOutput.Close ();
            fsOutput.Close ();
            // Report program success
            Console.WriteLine ("\nThe sorted lines have been written to the output file.\n\n");
        // QuickSort implementation
        private static void QuickSort (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
            // Check for non-base case
            if (nLower < nUpper)
                // Split and sort partitions
                int nSplit = Partition (szArray, nLower, nUpper);
                QuickSort (szArray, nLower, nSplit - 1);
                QuickSort (szArray, nSplit + 1, nUpper);
        // QuickSort partition implementation
        private static int Partition (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
            // Pivot with first element
            int nLeft = nLower + 1;
            string szPivot = (string) szArray[nLower];
            int nRight = nUpper;
            // Partition array elements
            string szSwap;
            while (nLeft <= nRight)
                // Find item out of place
                while (nLeft <= nRight && ((string) szArray[nLeft]).CompareTo (szPivot) <= 0)
                    nLeft = nLeft + 1;
                while (nLeft <= nRight && ((string) szArray[nRight]).CompareTo (szPivot) > 0)
                    nRight = nRight - 1;
                // Swap values if necessary
                if (nLeft < nRight)
                    szSwap = (string) szArray[nLeft];
                    szArray[nLeft] = szArray[nRight];
                    szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
                    nLeft = nLeft + 1;
                    nRight = nRight - 1;
            // Move pivot element
            szSwap = (string) szArray[nLower];
            szArray[nLower] = szArray[nRight];
            szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
            return nRight;

    补遗:关于 QuickSort C# .NET为了演示 QuickSort Visual C# .NET 示例应用程序实际是如何运行的,我们提供了编译好的可执行文件。您可以通过编译这些项目文件来创建自己的可执行文件。单击 Quicksort_Visual_CSharp_.NET.exe,下载源代码项目文件和可执行文件包。

    使用应用程序启动 Command Prompt(从"开始"菜单运行"cmd.exe")。使用 CD 命令将目录更改为可执行文件所在的目录。然后运行"quicksort.exe".


    示例程序输出下面是来自此 QuickSort C# .NET 应用程序的一个实例的输出。此示例演示了 QuickSort 算法,方法是读取输入文件、对文件的内容进行排序,然后将其写入新的文件。用户输入的文本以下划线标记。

    您可以查看下面的示例输入文件 'example.txt' 和输出文件 'output.txt'.

QuickSort C# .NET Sample Application
Copyright (c)2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/academic]
This example demonstrates the QuickSort algorithm by reading an input file,
sorting its contents, and writing them to a new file.
Source: example.txt
Output: output.txt
The sorted lines have been written to the output file.


Visual C#
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XML Parser
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Visual C#
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.NET Framework
BizTalk Server
DirectX API
Internet Explorer
Speech API
SQL Server
Visual Basic
Visual C#
Visual C#
Windows Embedded
Windows Media
Windows XP
XML Parser


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