作者:QQ新人类 来源:yesky 2007年10月23日
set lines 80; set pages 999; column mydate heading 'Yr. Mo Dy Hr.' format a16 column c1 heading "execs" format 9,999,999 column c2 heading "Cache Misses|While Executing" format 9,999,999 column c3 heading "Library Cache|Miss Ratio" format 999.99999 break on mydate skip 2; select to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24') mydate, sum(new.pins-old.pins) c1, sum(new.reloads-old.reloads) c2, sum(new.reloads-old.reloads)/ sum(new.pins-old.pins) library_cache_miss_ratio from stats$librarycache old, stats$librarycache new, stats$snapshot sn where new.snap_id = sn.snap_id and old.snap_id = new.snap_id-1 and old.namespace = new.namespace group by to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24') ; Cache Misses Yr. Mo Dy Hr. execs While Executing LIBRARY_CACHE_MISS_RATIO ---------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------ 2001-12-11 10 10,338 3 .00029 2001-12-12 10 182,477 134 .00073 2001-12-14 10 190,707 202 .00106 2001-12-16 10 2,803 11 .00392 |
RAM Area Too-small Condition Too-Large Condition Shared pool Library cache misses No misses Data buffer cache Hit ratio < 90% Hit ratio > 95% PGA aggregate high multi-pass executions 100% optimal executions |
work_area.sql select name profile, cnt, decode(total, 0, 0, round(cnt*100/total)) percentage from ( select name, value cnt, (sum(value) over ()) total from v$sysstat where name like 'workarea exec%' ); |
PROFILE CNT PERCENTAGE ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- workarea executions - optimal 5395 95 workarea executions - onepass 284 5 workarea executions - multipass 0 0 |
check_pga.sql column name format a30 column value format 999,999,999 select name, value from v$pgastat ; The output of this query might look like the following: NAME VALUE ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- aggregate PGA auto target 736,052,224 global memory bound 21,200 total expected memory 141,144 total PGA inuse 22,234,736 total PGA allocated 55,327,872 maximum PGA allocated 23,970,624 total PGA used for auto workareas 262,144 maximum PGA used for auto workareas 7,333,032 total PGA used for manual workareas 0 maximum PGA used for manual workareas 0 estimated PGA memory for optimal 141,395 maximum PGA memory for optimal 500,123,520 estimated PGA memory for one-pass 534,144 maximum PGA memory for one-pass |
dss_config.ksh #!/bin/ksh # First, we must set the environment . . . . ORACLE_SID=$1 export ORACLE_SID ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'` #ORACLE_HOME=`cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'` export ORACLE_HOME PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s /nologin<connect system/manager as sysdba; ALTER SYSTEM set db_cache_size=1500m; ALTER SYSTEM set shared_pool_size=500m; ALTER SYSTEM set pga_aggregate_target=400m; exit ! |