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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Spatial Enhancements

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SpatialPoint (CO, USA) adds spatial support to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, which will make geospatial functionality more accessible to the Microsoft developer and SQL Server user.

作者:gim-international 来源:gim-international 2007年11月19日

关键字: SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 数据库

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SpatialPoint (CO, USA) adds spatial support to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, which will make geospatial functionality more accessible to the Microsoft developer and SQL Server user. SpatialPoint leverages this new functionality and augments it by making it easy to visualise data from SQL Server utilising the Microsoft Virtual Earth Platform.

SpatialPoint's Atlas technology allows users to visualise complex datasets on top of the Virtual Earth Platform. Users get the advanced 3D capabilities, imagery, and base maps delivered by Virtual Earth combined with their own spatial data. Atlas is a technology that is currently used by leaders in wireless, insurance, and hospitality to visualize coverage areas, perform risk analysis, and display franchise territories. Atlas will read data from SQL Server 2008 just as it would from any other spatial data source.

SpatialPoint expects to fully support SQL Server 2008 shortly after it is released. For a live demonstration of SpatialPoint's Atlas, go to www.spatialpoint.com/atlasdemos.aspx.

SpatialPoint, the locator company, provides solutions that help customers leverage location to improve sales and customer service.

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