本文描述了MySQL,一种利用第三方数据库开发电子贸易和其它复杂、动态网站的有效工具。MySQL 是一种快速、多线程和全功能的 SQL服务器。
以下代码是使用免费获得的Tcl Generic Database Interface以Tcl实现的。这样一种接口的好处在于Tcl是解释型的,可以对代码进行迅速开发和快速修改。
#This code prints out all products in the database
# that are below a specified price (assumed to have been determined
# beforehand, and stored in the variable targetPrice)
# The output is in HTML table format, appropriate for CGI output
#load the SQL shared object library. the Tcl interpreter could also
#have been compiled with the library, making this line unnecessary
load /home/aroetter/tcl-sql/sql.so
#these are well defined beforehand, or they could
#be passed into the script
set DBNAME "clientWebSite";
set TBLNAME "products";
set DBHOST "backend.company.com"
set DBUSER "mysqluser"
set DBPASSWD "abigsecret"
set targetPrice 200;
#connect to the database
set handle [sql connect $DBHOST $DBUSER $DBPASSWD]
sql selectdb $handle $DBNAME ;# get test database
#run a query using the specified sql code
sql query $handle "select * from $TBLNAME where price <= $targetPrice"
#print out html table header
puts "<table border=4>"
puts "<th>Product Id <th width=200>Description <th>Price (\$)"
#output table rows - each fetchrow retrieves one result
#from the sql query
while {[set row [sql fetchrow $handle]] != ""} {
set prodid [lindex $row 0]
set descrip [lindex $row 1]
set price [lindex $row 2]
puts "<tr><td>$prodid <td align=center>$descrip <td>$price"
puts "</table>"
#empty the query result buffer - should already be empty in this case
sql endquery $handle
#close the db connection - in practice this same connection
#is used for multiple queries
sql disconnect $handle
下面的代码是使用正式MySQL C++ API MySQL++以C++编写的等价脚本。该版本的优势在于它是编译型的,因此比解释语言更快。经常用在特定站点的数据库代码应该以C或C++编写,然后由脚本或直接由Web服务器访问,以改进整体运行时间。
const char *DBNAME = "clientWebSite";
const char *DBTABLE = "products";
const char *DBHOST = "backend.company.com";
const char *DBUSER = "mysqluser";
const char *DBPASSWD = "abigsecret":
int main() {
try {
//open the database connection and query
Query query = con.query();
//write valid sql code to the query object
query << "select * from " << DBTABLE;
//run the query and store the results
Result res = query.store();
//write out the html table header
cout << "<table border=4>\n";
cout << "<th>Product Id <th width=200>Description"
<< "<th>Price ($)" << endl;
Result::iterator curResult;
Row row;
//iterate over each result and put it into an html table
for (curResult = res.begin(); curResult != res.end(); curResult++) {
row = *curResult;
cout << "<tr><td align=center>" << row[0]
<< "<td>" << row[1]