MS SQL Server 2008正式发布,提供下载!

ZDNet软件频道 时间:2008-09-22 作者: | 西部e网 我要评论()
本文关键词:提供下载 正式发布 SQL Server
SQL Server是一个全面的数据平台是安全,可靠,可扩展为您的关键任务应用,同时提供丰富的服务,为任何数据类型。

SQL Server是一个全面的数据平台是安全,可靠,可扩展为您的关键任务应用,同时提供丰富的服务,为任何数据类型。SQL Server的简化管理您的数据平台,用创新的政策,基础设施,同时减少开发的复杂性与数据抽象,和一体化。.NET框架和Visual Studio。SQL Server的使用户能够作出明智的决定,提供有关资料,向所有用户通过Microsoft Office的。和当您下载180天的试用版软件后,您便自动注册,以获得宝贵的资源,发表在战略间隔在整个软件的评估期。

微软今天宣布正式发布SQL Server 2008服务器软件,这将帮助微软与Oracle 11g,IBM DB2 9.5数据库产品对抗。此前这一产品已经经过数次延期。

SQL Server 2008出现在微软数据平台愿景上是因为它使得公司可以运行他们最关键任务的应用程序,同时降低了管理数据基础设施和发送观察和信息给所有用户的成本。

目前SQL Server 2008 Express 和 SQL Server Compact版本都已经开始免费下载。

Download SQL Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 and try out the latest features for 180 days! The SQL Server development team uses your feedback to help refine and enhance product features. Download the latest trial today and share your feedback.

Select one of the options listed below. The Release Candidate 0 software for IT Professionals and Developers is exactly the same, but the supporting experience has been tailored to offer greater relevance for each profession. View system requirements.

Note: Download size varies from 900 MB to 950 MB, and can take more than 30 minutes to download, depending on the bandwidth of your high-speed connection.

SQL Server 2008 Express

You can also try a Release Candidate 0 version of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. This free, fully functional edition of SQL Server 2008 is ideal for learning and running desktop and small server database applications. SQL Server 2008 Express supports 1 CPU, 1 GB of RAM, and databases that are up to 4 GB in size.


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