1. 系统要求
v Pentium 100以上CPU
v 64MB 内存
v Windows NT Workstation 4.0(Service Pack 3)或Windows 98
v 6 MB自由硬盘空间
v Java 2 SDK, Standard Version, 版本1.2.2或者更高
2. 安装Java 2 SDK
在使用Motorola SDK之前必须安装JDK,Standard Edition。
请从http://java.sun.com/products/jdk 下载JDK,并按照Sun的指导安装到PC中。
3. 安装Motorola SDK
安装之前请先卸载以前版本的Motorola SDK:
1. 选择“开始à设置à控制板”
2. 选择“添加/删除程序”
3. 查找到“Motorola SDK Components for the J2ME Platform”
4. 点击“卸载”
5. 用资源管理器删除“
1. 运行“Motorola_SDK.exe”
2. 按照提示安装程序
4. 编写第一个程序
* HelloWorld.java
* June 27, 2000
* ? Copyright 2000 Motorola, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This notice does not imply publication.
package com.mot.j2me.midlets.tutorials;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
* A simple Hello World midlet
* @see MIDlet
public class HelloWorld extends MIDlet {
* Main application screen
private Form mainScreen;
* A reference to the Display
private Display myDisplay;
* Creates a screen for our midlet
HelloWorld() {
myDisplay = Display.getDisplay(this);
mainScreen = new Form("Hello World");
* Create a string item
StringItem strItem = new StringItem("Hello", "This is a J2ME MIDlet.");
* Start the MIDlet
public void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
* Pause the MIDlet
public void pauseApp() {
* Called by the framework before the application is unloaded
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
5. 编译
1. 在命令行窗口中,进入目录“\MotoSDK\demo\midlets”
2. 输入“compileAll com\mot\j2me\midlets\tutorials\HelloWorld.java”
6. 运行
1. 在命令行窗口中,进入目录“\MotoSDK\scripts”
2. 输入“runEmul com.mot.j2me.midlets.tutorials.HelloWorld”