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  一、问题背景   Quite often, you need a class to perform tasks like data processing, listening to events, or checking another clas

作者:中国IT实验室 来源:中国IT实验室 2007年9月25日

关键字: 编程 java

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  Quite often, you need a class to perform tasks like data processing, listening to events, or checking another class' activities during the application’s lifetime. To achieve this, you probably use threads with a set of locks and notifications. Java Thread API is well documented, but you need a great deal of code and experience to make your thread work properly and efficiently. You can avoid writing such classes from scratch every time you need them and build a more robust application by applying the framework we'll discuss in this article.
  在应用程序中我们经常需要一个类去完成像数据处理、监听事件或检查另一个类的活动等任务。为了达到这个目标,我们可能使用带有一套锁和消息通知的线程。JAVA 线程API已经很好的文档化,但为了使线程能够正确而高效地运行,程序员仍然需要丰富的编程经验并编写大量的代码。通过应用本篇文章中讨论的框架,程序员能够避免忍受煎熬写大量的代码,快速创建健壮的应用程序。
  Framework for long-running tasks
  The primary thing about a long-lived task is that it should somehow be kept running during the application lifetime. The right way to accomplish this is to provide a thread of execution for a particular task. You create a task as a thread or as an implementation of the java.lang.Runnable interface. If you implement Runnable, you can gain better object-oriented design and avoid the single-inheritance problems. You can also more efficiently manipulate with Runnable instances, for example, using a thread pool that usually needs a Runnable instance, not a thread, to run.
  The essence of the framework is the abstract class Worker ( Listing A), which implements the Runnable interface and provides the helper methods for efficient task handling. Some of the methods are fully implemented, like the run() method, but some are abstract and have to be filled by you. If you want to create a long-running class, you need only to extend the Worker class and implement several abstract methods. Let’s look at these methods in more detail.
  The run() method of the Worker class is designed to continuously execute the work() method until it is stopped. The work() method can be responsible for data processing, reaction to some event, file reading or writing, SQL execution, etc. It can throw an exception, so it is a good practice to propagate it and let the run() method handle it.
  Worker 类的run()方法被设计成只要不停止运行就持续的执行work()方法。work()方法可以负责数据处理、事件响应、文件读写、,执行SQL命令等操作。这样work()方法能够抛出异常,并将异常传给run(),然后由run()方法来处理这些异常。
  The run() method has two levels of try-catch clause: outside and inside the while-loop. The first try-catch clause is meant to catch all nonprogrammed exceptions and guarantee that the run() method never exits. The second clause will catch any kind of exceptions belonging to business logic and behave accordingly. If some waiting operation takes place in the work() method (e.g., waiting on an InputStream or a Socket), it is advisable to propagate an InterruptedException. The thing to keep in mind is that the work() method does not need to have any while-loop to keep it going as long as an application runs. The Worker does this for you.
  When the run() method starts, it calls the prepareWorker() which is designed to prepare all resources needed for a long-running task (Listing A). In this method call, you can, for example, establish a database connection or open a file that will be used further. It is especially good to place here some blocking operations like opening a socket, because they will be done in a separate thread and thus will not block the main thread of execution.
  run()开始时,调用prepareWorker()方法来准备长时间运行任务需要的所有资源(参考程序清单A)。例如 ,在这个方法中可以打开一个将要用到的数据库连接或文件。尤其对于那些像建立一个socket这样的阻塞操作放在这儿是很好的。因为若让它们在一个独立的线程中运行,则不会阻塞主线程的执行。
  The opposite of the previous method is the releaseWorker() which is called when the run() method is about to exit (Listing A). Here, you can put the code to dispose of system resources used by this task or to perform other cleanup. This method is similar to java.lang.Object.finalize(), but it is explicitly called before a thread terminates.
  Handling errors in the framework
  Another important method is the handleError(), which takes a java.lang.Throwable as a parameter. This method is called each time an error situation occurs within the run() method. It is up to you how to implement error handling. One way is to log errors and control task termination by calling halt() method (Listing A).
  The isCondition() method is used to tell whether execution of the work() method can be started, thus allowing granular control over a task. It is useful in event-triggered frameworks when execution of the work() method is pending until some condition?for example, a buffer is not empty?is fulfilled. In Worker’s implementation, the condition is checked upon a lock notification and periodically with a time interval you specify in the setTimeout() method (Listing A). If you don’t need any waiting blocks in a task, just make the isCondition() method always return true.
  When to terminate
  You'll also need the isRunning(), broadcast(), and halt() methods. Querying isRunning(), you can check whether a task is still running and make a decision whether to terminate it. The broadcast() method just notifies the lock object and makes a task proceed if it has been waiting on this lock. The halt() method stops a task, so the run() method will exit as soon as the next isRunning() status is checked. Because this method notifies only one lock that may block this task’s thread, it is advisable to use t


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