Solaris 9
Sun Cluster 3.1
Veritas VxVM 3.5(需要VxVM的License和Cluster Volume Manager(CVM)的License )
Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition
Sun 3310阵列驱动
Sun 480 两台
Sun QFE四口网卡 2块
Sun SCSI卡X6758A 2块
Sun 3310阵列 2台
一、安装硬件 二、配置阵列3310,要求如下: 要求如下:
c2t5d0 quorum盘 512M
c2t5d1 ora-rac-dg Log盘 256M
c2t5d2 ora-rac-dg 盘 140G
c2t5d3 ora-arc-dg Log盘 256M
c2t5d4 ora-arc-dg 盘 剩下的空间
c3t5d0 quorum盘 512M
c3t5d1 ora-rac-dg Log盘 256M
c3t5d2 ora-rac-dg 盘 140G
c3t5d3 ora-arc-dg Log盘 256M
c3t5d4 ora-arc-dg 盘 剩下的空间
三、安装操作系统 以Sun 480 36G硬盘为例,分区如下:
# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c1t0d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
1. c1t1d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c1t0d0
[disk formatted]
Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.
format> p
partition> p
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 24620 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 5808 - 13067 10.00GB (7260/0/0) 20974140
1 var wm 13068 - 14519 2.00GB (1452/0/0) 4194828
2 backup wm 0 - 24619 33.92GB (24620/0/0) 71127180
3 swap wu 0 - 5807 8.00GB (5808/0/0) 16779312
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 14520 - 21779 10.00GB (7260/0/0) 20974140
6 unassigned wm 21780 - 22142 512.06MB (363/0/0) 1048707
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
四、给操作系统打补丁(采用最新的补丁盘) # cd /cdrom/eis-cd/sun/install
# ./setup-standard.sh
# cd /cdrom/eis-cd/sun/patch/9
# ../../install/bin/unpack_patches
# cd /tmp/9
# eject cdrom
# ./install_all_patches
五、安装3310的驱动和补丁 # ls
112697-04 SUNWqus SUNWqusu SUNWqusux SUNWqusx
# pkgadd -d . all
# patchadd 112697-04
name="sd" class="scsi" target=5 lun=0;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=5 lun=1;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=5 lun=2;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=5 lun=3;
name="sd" class="scsi" target=5 lun=4;
# reboot
# format
Searching for disks...done
c2t5d0: configured with capacity of 510.00MB
c2t5d1: configured with capacity of 254.00MB
c2t5d2: configured with capacity of 136.71GB
c2t5d3: configured with capacity of 254.00MB
c2t5d4: configured with capacity of 66.62GB
c3t5d0: configured with capacity of 510.00MB
c3t5d1: configured with capacity of 254.00MB
c3t5d2: configured with capacity of 136.71GB
c3t5d3: configured with capacity of 254.00MB
c3t5d4: configured with capacity of 66.62GB
0. c1t0d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
1. c1t1d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
2. c2t5d0 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 510 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
3. c2t5d1 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 254 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
4. c2t5d2 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 35273 alt 2 hd 127 sec 64>
5. c2t5d3 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 254 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
6. c2t5d4 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 34112 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
7. c3t5d0 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 510 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
8. c3t5d1 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 254 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
9. c3t5d2 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 35273 alt 2 hd 127 sec 64>
10. c3t5d3 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 254 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>
11. c3t5d4 <SUN-StorEdge3310-0325 cyl 34112 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c1t0d0
[disk formatted]
Warning: Current Disk has mounted partitions.
format> q
六、配置/etc/hosts文件和/.profile文件 rac1:
root@rac1 # cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
# localhost rac1 loghost a.b rac2
export PATH
export MANPATH
root@rac2 # cat /etc/hosts
# Internet host table
# localhost rac2 loghost a.b rac1
export PATH
export MANPATH
七、安装Sun Cluster 3.1,并打Sun Cluster 3.1的补丁 建立主节点:
# cd /opt/suncluster_3_1/SunCluster_3.1/Sol_9/Tools
# ./scinstall
*** Main Menu ***
Please select from one of the following (*) options:
* 1) Establish a new cluster using this machine as the first node
* 2) Add this machine as a node in an established cluster
3) Configure a cluster to be JumpStarted from this install server
4) Add support for new data services to this cluster node
5) Print release information for this cluster node
* ?) Help with menu options
* q) Quit
*** Establishing a New Cluster ***
This option is used to establish a new cluster using this machine as the first node in that cluster.
Once the cluster framework software is installed, you will be asked for the name of the cluster. Then, sccheck(1M) is run to test this machine for basic Sun Cluster pre-configuration requirements.
After sccheck(1M) passes, you will be a