public class MrHappyObject {
private String _mood = _HAPPY;
private final static String _HAPPY = "happy";
private final static String _ANNOYED = "annoyed";
private final static String _ANGRY = "angry";
public void printMood() {
System.out.println( "I am " + _mood );
public void receivePinch() {
if( _mood.equals( _HAPPY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _ANGRY;
public void receiveHug() {
if( _mood.equals( _ANGRY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _HAPPY;
Java Q&A
Mr. Happy Object teaches static methods
When to choose static methods over instance methods
By Tony Sintes
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November 21, 2001
When would you create static methods as opposed to instance methods? I understa
nd that static methods allow you to use those methods without having to create a
n instance of that class, and that class methods apply to the class rather than
an object. Are these the only reasons? Could you give an example of a case where
you would use a class method over an instance method?
Many Java developers find it confusing to decide when, and when not to declare a
method as static. However, making the choice is simple if you have a clear unde
rstanding of the difference between a class method and an instance method.
Note: You can download the source code that accompanies this article from Resour
Consider the following class definition:
public class MrHappyObject {
private String _mood = _HAPPY;
private final static String _HAPPY = "happy";
private final static String _ANNOYED = "annoyed";
private final static String _ANGRY = "angry";
public void printMood() {
System.out.println( "I am " + _mood );
public void receivePinch() {
if( _mood.equals( _HAPPY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _ANGRY;
public void receiveHug() {
if( _mood.equals( _ANGRY ) ) {
_mood = _ANNOYED;
} else {
_mood = _HAPPY;
Figure 1. Mr. Happy Object
First, before I get emails about it, there are more object-oriented ways to track and transition between states. However, those fancy ways would detract from the intent of the example. Now, without further ado...
printMood(), receivePinch(), and receiveHug() are all instance methods. Syntactically, you call these methods instance methods because they are not static; but the important distinction concerns why I didn't declare them as static.
Instance methods are instance methods because they rely on the state of the specific object instance. Instance methods are tied to a particular instance because the behavior that the method invokes relies upon the state of that particular instance.
Consider the following example:
MrHappyObject obj1 = new MrHappyObject();
MrHappyObject obj2 = new MrHappyObject();
private static int _instantiations;
public MrHappyObject() {
public static int instances() {
return _instantiations;
因此,如果你建立的类需要根据实例的状态进行处理那么就不要使用静态方法,如果对于不 同实例的状态结果都一样,那么就可以(注意是可以,而不是必须)使用静态方法 .