摘录一些Log如下,节点1上的Alert文件: C'n-<8]ST7
wL!t9h r
Thu May 24 21:15:37 2007 `(4R-+
Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 6) &*xO\UQ[
List of nodes: }/24Bs!
0 s[/m\A /
Global Resource Directory frozen tz4 2< 2
* dead instance detected - DOMAIN 0 invalid = TRUE .;K 56P}-
Communication channels reestablished +\cqtj\r
Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps gmp=Q!
Non-local Process blocks cleaned out \a@}I.,
Thu May 24 21:15:37 2007 Jru-2Fiuv
LMS 0: 0 GCS SHADOWS cancelled, 0 closed S$UD
Thu May 24 21:15:37 2007 68?x_3 V
LMS 1: 0 GCS SHADOWS cancelled, 0 closed _F=azyV'
Set master node info uX-g"n[
Submitted all remote-enqueue requests (j6 y"r9
Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious #p*c=N?Z(
All grantable enqueues granted %i/xXo(nv
Post SMON to start 1st pass IR 0s"A;C@+
Thu May 24 21:15:38 2007 eba_W+:]Z
Instance recovery: looking for dead threads ,;ce}h}
Thu May 24 21:15:38 2007 /\JFxI^m
Beginning instance recovery of 1 threads Rnmq 5fTY
Thu May 24 21:15:39 2007 $ tCnZ:y
LMS 0: 453637 GCS shadows traversed, 0 replayed (s[(o<X
Thu May 24 21:15:39 2007 cN hfc
LMS 1: 456482 GCS shadows traversed, 0 replayed Q]fWu{ `o
Thu May 24 21:15:39 2007 {VM)uX Avx
Submitted all GCS remote-cache requests CW+pzL-K;
Fix write in gcs resources 8n :$J1:
Reconfiguration complete iG".5
Thu May 24 21:15:41 2007 Y$/%
parallel recovery started with 7 processes o6@'(4d
Thu May 24 21:15:41 2007 Ks; 4g1
Started redo scan QpXINM&37
Thu May 24 21:15:42 2007 aXKKD# +t
Completed redo scan MgWts<
182 redo blocks read, 27 data blocks need recovery .XXQB^^t
Thu May 24 21:15:42 2007 FYyv]D<(
Started redo application at Y@H-arlI
Thread 2: logseq 52, block 379401 opA`2KkV
Thu May 24 21:15:42 2007 `ZD^}K0{P
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 8 Seq 52 Reading mem 0 uIqlzGFcen
Mem# 0: /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/tradedb_redo2_4_1_1g #Z>HxB DL
Mem# 1: /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/tradedb_redo2_4_2_1g OMr} + ~7
Thu May 24 21:15:42 2007 VV.2F
Completed redo application \&!h5] .=
Thu May 24 21:15:42 2007 z/J`$./5
Completed instance recovery at a=db"*|
Thread 2: logseq 52, block 379583, scn 5137925732 jv^5u5S
27 data blocks read, 27 data blocks written, 182 redo blocks read | \IBp
Switch log for thread 2 to sequence 53 y@vbAR:(
Thu May 24 21:21:16 2007 <XswjAM
Reconfiguration started (old inc 6, new inc 8) [{? Qu3p]
List of nodes: fTa8rHK*b
0 1 ?r77o
Global Resource Directory frozen yX]g7II
Communication channels reestablished /|SCWaz
Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps ^o9hh"l
Non-local Process blocks cleaned out i1<W8!v
Thu May 24 21:21:16 2007 h 0h2"Fv
LMS 0: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed X0~D!U
Thu May 24 21:21:16 2007 OSh&PL~
LMS 1: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed !oO,c4
Set master node info c,*Wgsw1
Submitted all remote-enqueue requests 0qn{=heg}
Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious 9^1:qxjJ,
All grantable enqueues granted 2!XsRdn^p/
Thu May 24 21:21:17 2007 [{vgvI)Zd
LMS 0: 11529 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed y5@Rgkc,y
Thu May 24 21:21:17 2007 9T!WOKjm
LMS 1: 11363 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed ugvKc
LMS 1: 11403 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed P#KPCD&
Thu May 24 21:21:17 2007 PNLpPCY `
LMS 0: 11539 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed Fk6#Y
LMS 0: 11294 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed tf;(.K_1j4
Thu May 24 21:21:17 2007 v Z3lRQFc0
LMS 1: 11492 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed H;H&C_Y i
. -7e)|ls2~
. EQx\
. '^S`)VQ;
LMS 1: 11344 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed IDM
Thu May 24 21:21:21 2007 mwrmvt/C
LMS 0: 5661 GCS shadows traversed, 1995 replayed !VB ? )|
Thu May 24 21:21:21 2007 IBwQJ pN
LMS 1: 10713 GCS shadows traversed, 3746 replayed GIp]Usy=6b
Thu May 24 21:21:21 2007 8C We|]}n
Submitted all GCS remote-cache requests `%|Lk05
Post SMON to start 1st pass IR )iQy+-W\$q
Fix write in gcs resources iddX_?@rqP
Reconfiguration complete