Hi. There are three possible conversions when exporting and importing:
1) from the source database character set to the user session character set(based on setting for NLS_LANG during export)
2) from the export file character set to the user session character set base
d on the setting for NLS_LANG during import)
3) from the user session character set (criteria noted in #2) to the target database character set.I would suspect that the user session character set during import is not the same as the character set of the export file. The conversion noted in #2 above is only valid for single-byte character sets. For multibyte character sets, the import file's character set must be identical to the export file's character set.
【 在 GuitarCool (铿铿吉他) 的大作中提到: 】
F:\pb\construct\db-emp>IMP JHK/JHK FILE=JHK FROMUSER=JHK TOUSER=JHK Import: Release - Production on 星期六 11月 17 16:31:19 2001(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.连接到: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production IMP-00016: 不支持要求的字符集转换(从类型1到852)
IMP-00000: 未成功终止导入