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至顶网软件频道应用软件phpBB 3.0 RC6

phpBB 3.0 RC6

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phpBB不仅是受欢迎的自由软件还是个开放源代码的网络论坛系统,使用PHP作为程序语言,并支持如MySQL、 PostgreSQL、MSSQL、Microsoft Access与Oracle[1]等的资料库


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  phpBB不仅是受欢迎的自由软件还是个开放源代码的网络论坛系统,使用PHP作为程序语言,并支持如MySQL、 PostgreSQL、MSSQL、Microsoft Access与Oracle[1]等的资料库.


  * 使用样板系统设计可方便地快速修改

  * 国际化并支持61种可用的语言翻译,phpBB声称可同时安装多套翻译

  * 庞大且众多的网络论坛提供使用者自由交流与外挂软件的支援

  下载:phpBB 3.0 RC6

  * [Fix] Further fixing user profile view (please do not forget to update/refresh your template and style) (Bug #14230)

  * [Fix] Adjust google adsense bot information (Bug #14296)

  * [Fix] Fix horizontal scrollbar problem in IE6 (Bug #14228) - fix provided by Danny-dev

  * [Fix] Correctly set user style for guest user (able to be changed within user management)

  * [Change] Moved note about dns_get_record function for using GTalk (Jabber) from Jabber log to Jabber ACP panel

  * [Fix] Do not use register_shutdown_function within cron.php if handling the queue and the mail function being used (Bug #14321)

  * [Fix] Fixing private message on-hold code if moving messages into folder based on rules (Bug #14309)

  * [Fix] Allow the merge selection screen to work (Bug #14363)

  * [Change] Require additional permissions for copying permission when editing forums

  * [Fix] Local magic URLs no longer get an additional trailing slash (Bug #14362)

  * [Fix] Do not let the cron script stale for one hour if register_shutdown_function is not able to be called (Bug #14436)

  * [Feature] Added /includes/db/db_tools.php file, which includes tools for handling cross-db actions such as altering columns, etc.

  * [Fix] Fixed token handling in jabber class for extremely spec-compilant XMPP server (Bug #14445)

  * [Change] Listing the board url within the email text instead of appending it to the subject (Bug #14378)

  * [Fix] Always display the quote button as the most accessible one - edit is always before quote (Bug #14403)

  * [Fix] Use correct dimension (width x height) in ACP (Bug #14452)

  * [Feature] Added completely new hook system to allow better application/mod integration - see docs/hook_system.html

  * [Fix] Fixing google cache display problems with Firefox (Bug #14472) - patch provided by Raimon

  * [Change] Allow years in future be selected for date custom profile field (Bug #14519)

  * [Feature] Added an option to enforce that users spend a configurable amount of time on the terms page during registration

  * [Sec] Fixing possible XSS through compromised WHOIS server (#i63, #i64)

  * [Sec] Missing access control on whois in viewonline.php (#i51)

  * [Sec] Encoding some variables within user::page array correctly (to cope with browser not doing it correctly) to prevent XSS through functions re-using them (#i61)

  * [Sec] Fixed XSS through memberlist search feature (#i62)

  * [Sec] Fixed XSS through colour swatch (#i65)

  * [Sec] Fixed insecure attachment deletion (#i53)

  * [Sec] Only allow whitelisted protocols in meta_redirect/redirect (#i66)

  * [Sec] Check file names to be written in language management panel (#i52)

  * [Sec] Deregister globals if ini_get has been disabled (#i112)

  * [Sec] Added form tokens to most forms to enforce a lighter variant of CSRF protection (#i91 - #i96)

  * [Sec] Use new password hash method for forum passwords (#i43)

  * [Sec] Changed download file location to prevent flash crossdomain policies taking effect (#i8)

  * [Sec] Do not allow autocompletion for password on admin re-authentication (#i41)

  * [Sec] Made sure users are not completely locked out if they have a GLOBALS cookie (#i101)

  * [Sec] Use the secure hash to generate BBCODE_UIDs (#i71)

  * [Sec] Increase the length of BBCODE_UIDs (#i72)

  * [Sec] New password hashing mechanism for storing passwords (#i42)  

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