Microsoft Silverlight 2正式发布

ZDNet软件频道 时间:2008-10-14 作者: |  我要评论()
本文关键词:Silverlight Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Silverlight是一个跨浏览器的、跨平台的插件,为网络带来下一代基于.NET的媒体体验和丰富的交互式应用程序。

  Microsoft Silverlight 2今天终于向用户发布使用。

  Microsoft Silverlight是一个跨浏览器的、跨平台的插件,为网络带来下一代基于.NET的媒体体验和丰富的交互式应用程序。Silverlight提供灵活的编程模型,并可以很方便地集成到现有的网络应用程序中。Silverlight可以对运行在Mac或Windows上的主流浏览器提供高质量视频信息的快速、低成本的传递。

  另外,据 Mary Jo Foley 称 Silverlight 将会支持 Google Chrome 浏览器,但不支持 iPhone(Flash 播放器也不支持 iPhone,看起来是苹果不允许第三方开发);微软计划在 PDC 上公开目前 Silverlight for Windows Mobile 的情况;微软目前在和 Nokia 合作开发 Symbian 手机上的 Silverlight;有传言称微软和 RIM 共同开发黑莓上的 Silverlight


  ·.NET Framework support with a rich base class library. This is a compatible subset of the full .NET Framework.

  ·Powerful built-in controls. These include DataGrid, ListBox, Slider, ScrollViewer, Calendar controls and more.

  ·Advanced skinning and templating support. This makes it easy to customize the look and feel of an application.

  ·Deep zoom. This enables unparalleled interactivity and navigation of ultrahigh resolution imagery.

  ·Comprehensive networking support. Out-of-the-box support allows calling REST, WS*/SOAP, POX, RSS and standard HTTP services, enabling users to create applications that easily integrate with existing back-end systems. ·Expanded .NET Framework language support. Unlike other runtimes, Silverlight 2 supports a variety of programming languages, including Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, IronPython and IronRuby, making it easier for developers already familiar with one of these languages to repurpose their existing skill sets.

  ·Advanced content protection. This now includes Silverlight DRM, powered by PlayReady, offering robust content protection for connected Silverlight experiences.

  ·Improved server scalability and expanded advertiser support. This includes new streaming and progressive download capabilities, superior search engine optimization techniques, and next-generation in-stream advertising support.

  ·Vibrant partner ecosystem. Visual Studio Industry Partners such as ComponentOne LLC, Infragistics Inc. and Telerik Inc. are providing products that further enhance developer capabilities when creating Silverlight applications using Visual Studio.

  ·Cross-platform and cross-browser support. This includes support for Mac, Windows and Linux in Firefox, Safari and Windows Internet Explorer.


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