
ZDNet软件频道 时间:2009-11-11 作者:shanhe | CSDN 我要评论()
本文关键词:实例讲解 .net Mysql 数据库





  通过阅读源代码,我们看到MysqlDriverCS的思路是利用C函数的底层库来操纵数据库的,通常提供对Mysql数据库的访问的数据库的C DLL是名为libMysql.dll的驱动文件,MysqlDriverCS作为一个.net库进行封装C风格的驱动。



#region LICENSE
     MysqlDriverCS: An C# driver for Mysql.
     Copyright (c) 2002 Manuel Lucas Vi馻s Livschitz.
     This file is part of MysqlDriverCS.
    MysqlDriverCS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    MysqlDriverCS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with MysqlDriverCS; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MysqlDriverCS
     public class Mysql_FIELD_FACTORY
         static string version;
         public static IMysql_FIELD GetInstance()
              if (version==null)
                   version = CPrototypes.GetClientInfo();
              if (version.CompareTo("4.1.2-alpha")>=0)
                   return new Mysql_FIELD_VERSION_5();
                   return new Mysql_FIELD_VERSION_3();
     public interface IMysql_FIELD
         string Name{get;}
         uint Type{get;}
         long Max_Length     {get;}
     /// Field descriptor
     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]//"3.23.32", 4.0.1-alpha
     internal class Mysql_FIELD_VERSION_3: IMysql_FIELD
         /// Name of column
         public string name;         
         /// Table of column if column was a field
         public string table;         
          //public string org_table;              /* Org table name if table was an alias */
          //public string db;             /* Database for table */
         /// def
         public string def;           
         /// length
         public long length;     
         /// max_length
         public long max_length;    
         /// Div flags
         public uint flags;        
         /// Number of decimals in field
         public uint decimals;     
         /// Type of field. Se Mysql_com.h for types
         public uint type;
         /// Name
         public string Name
              get{return name;}
         /// Type
         public uint Type
              get{return type;}
         /// Max_Length
         public long Max_Length
              get     {return max_length;}
     /// Field descriptor
     internal class Mysql_FIELD_VERSION_5: IMysql_FIELD
         /// Name of column
         public string name;     
         /// Original column name, if an alias
         public string org_name;    
         /// Table of column if column was a field
         public string table;     
         /// Org table name if table was an alias
         public string org_table;    
         /// Database for table
         public string db;            
         /// Catalog for table
          //public string catalog;          
         /// def
         public string def;           
         /// length
         public long length;     
          /// max_length
         public long max_length;    
         /// name_length
          //public uint name_length;
         /// org_name_length
         public uint org_name_length;
         /// table_length
         public uint table_length;
         /// org_table_length
         public uint org_table_length;
         /// db_length
         public uint db_length;
         /// catalog_length
         public uint catalog_length;
         /// def_length
         public uint def_length;
         /// Div flags
         public uint flags;        
         /// Number of decimals in field
         public uint decimals;     
         /// Character set
         public uint charsetnr;    
         /// Type of field. Se Mysql_com.h for types
         public uint type;
         /// Name
         public string Name
              get     {return name;}
         /// Type
         public uint Type
              get     {return type;}
         /// Max_Length
         public long Max_Length
              get     {return max_length;}
     public enum enum_field_types
                              FIELD_TYPE_SHORT, FIELD_TYPE_LONG,
                              FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT, FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE,
                              FIELD_TYPE_NULL,   FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                              FIELD_TYPE_DATE,   FIELD_TYPE_TIME,
                              FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME, FIELD_TYPE_YEAR,
     /// C prototypes warpper for Mysqllib.
     internal class CPrototypes
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_init" )]
         unsafe public static extern void* Mysql_init(void* must_be_null);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_close" )]
         unsafe public static extern void Mysql_close(void* handle);
         // BEGIN ADDITION 2004-07-01 BY Alex Seewald
         // Enables us to call Mysql_option to activate compression and timeout
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_options" )]     
         unsafe public static extern void Mysql_options(void* Mysql, uint option, uint *value);
         // END ADDITION 2004-07-01 By Alex Seewald
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_real_connect" )]
         unsafe public static extern void* Mysql_real_connect(void* Mysql, string host, string user, string passwd, string db, uint port, string unix_socket, int client_flag);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_query" )]
         unsafe public static extern int Mysql_query(void*Mysql, string query);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_store_result" )]
         unsafe public static extern void *Mysql_store_result(void *Mysql);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_free_result" )]
         unsafe public static extern void Mysql_free_result(void*result);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_errno" )]
         unsafe public static extern uint Mysql_errno(void*Mysql);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_error" )]
         unsafe public static extern string Mysql_error(void*Mysql);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_field_count" )]
         unsafe public static extern uint Mysql_field_count(void*Mysql);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_affected_rows" )]
         unsafe public static extern ulong Mysql_affected_rows(void*Mysql);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_num_fields" )]
         unsafe public static extern uint Mysql_num_fields(void*result);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_num_rows" )]
         unsafe public static extern ulong Mysql_num_rows(void *result);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_fetch_field_direct" )]
         unsafe public static extern IntPtr Mysql_fetch_field_direct(void*result, uint fieldnr);
          ///<returns>Returns a string that represents the client library version</returns>
          EntryPoint="Mysql_get_client_info", ExactSpelling=true)]
         public static extern string GetClientInfo();
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_fetch_row" )]
         unsafe public static extern IntPtr Mysql_fetch_row(void*result);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_select_db" )]
         unsafe public static extern int Mysql_select_db(void*Mysql,string dbname);
          [ DllImport( "libMysql.dll", EntryPoint="Mysql_fetch_lengths" )]
         unsafe public static extern UInt32 *Mysql_fetch_lengths(void*result);



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