异常(exception)应该是异常事件(exceptional event)的缩写。
一个方法抛出异常后,运行时系统就会试着查找一些方法来处理它。这些处理异常的可能的方法的集合是被整理在一起的方法列表,这些方法能够被发生错误的方法调用。这个方法列表被叫做堆栈调用(call stack)
任何的异常都是Throwable类(为何不是接口??),并且在它之下包含两个字类Error / Exception,而Error仅在当在Java虚拟机中发生动态连接失败或其它的定位失败的时候,Java虚拟机抛出一个Error对象。典型的简易程序不捕获或抛出Errors对象,你可能永远不会遇到需要实例化Error的应用,那就让我们关心一下Exception
A method is not required to declare in its throws clause any subclasses of RuntimeException that might be thrown during the execution of the method but not caught.
-可能在执行方法期间抛出但未被捕获的 RuntimeException 的任何子类都无需在 throws 子句中进行声明。
也就是说你的应用应该不去“关心”(说不关心是不服责任的,但只是你不应该试图实例化它的字类)RuntimeException,就如同你不应该关心Error的产生与处理一样!RuntimeException描述的是程序的错误引起来的,因该由程序负担这个责任!(从责任这个角度看Error属于JVM需要负担的责任;RuntimeException是程序应该负担的责任;checked exception 是具体应用负担的责任)
那就有人会问,那我该关心什么!答案就是除了Error与RuntimeException,其他剩下的异常都是你需要关心的,而这些异常类统称为Checked Exception,至于Error与RuntimeException则被统称为Unchecked Exception.
public void doBusiness() throws xxxBusinessException
当客户端调用这样的方法的时候应该这样处理异常(包括处理RuntimeException , checked exception)
public void doAction(......) { try { xxx.doBusiness(); } catch(Exception e) { if(e instanceof RuntimeException) { // catch runtime exception // 你可以在这里将捕获到的RuntimeException // 将异常通知给某个负责此程序的程序员,让他知道他 // 自己犯了多么低级的错误! }else { //checked exception such as xxxBusinessException //将这样的异常暴露给客户显示 } } } 我们可以这样设计xxxBusinessException public class xxxBusinessException extends ApplicationException { public xxxBusinessException(String s){ super(s); }; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; public class ApplicationException extends Exception { /** A wrapped Throwable */ protected Throwable cause; public ApplicationException() { super("Error occurred in application."); } public ApplicationException(String message) { super(message); } public ApplicationException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message); this.cause = cause; } // Created to match the JDK 1.4 Throwable method. public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) { this.cause = cause; return cause; } public String getMessage() { // Get this exception's message. String msg = super.getMessage(); Throwable parent = this; Throwable child; // Look for nested exceptions. while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) { // Get the child's message. String msg2 = child.getMessage(); // If we found a message for the child exception, // we append it. if (msg2 != null) { if (msg != null) { msg += ": " + msg2; } else { msg = msg2; } } // Any nested ApplicationException will append its own // children, so we need to break out of here. if (child instanceof ApplicationException) { break; } parent = child; } // Return the completed message. return msg; } public void printStackTrace() { // Print the stack trace for this exception. super.printStackTrace(); Throwable parent = this; Throwable child; // Print the stack trace for each nested exception. while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) { if (child != null) { System.err.print("Caused by: "); child.printStackTrace(); if (child instanceof ApplicationException) { break; } parent = child; } } } public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) { // Print the stack trace for this exception. super.printStackTrace(s); Throwable parent = this; Throwable child; // Print the stack trace for each nested exception. while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) { if (child != null) { s.print("Caused by: "); child.printStackTrace(s); if (child instanceof ApplicationException) { break; } parent = child; } } } public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter w) { // Print the stack trace for this exception. super.printStackTrace(w); Throwable parent = this; Throwable child; // Print the stack trace for each nested exception. while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) { if (child != null) { w.print("Caused by: "); child.printStackTrace(w); if (child instanceof ApplicationException) { break; } parent = child; } } } public Throwable getCause() { return cause; } } 而"聪明"的读者肯定要问我那doBusiness()这个业务方法该如何包装异常呢? public void doBusiness() throw xxxBusinessException { try { execute1(); // if it throw exception1 exexute2(); // if it throw exception 2 .... ..... } catch (exception1 e1) { throw new xxxBusinessException(e1); } catch(exception2 e2) { throw new xxxBusinessException(e2); } ........ } 也可以这样 public void doBusiness() throw xxxBusinessException { try { execute1(); // if it throw exception1 exexute2(); // if it throw exception 2 .... ..... } catch (Exception e) { // 注意很多应用在这里根本不判断异常的类型而一股脑的采用 // throw new xxxBusinessException(e); // 而这样带来的问题就是xxxBusinessException"吞掉了"RuntimeException // 从而将checked excption 与unchecked exception混在了一起! // 其实xxxBusinessException属于checked excpetion ,它根本不应该也不能够理睬RuntimeException if(! e instanceof RuntimeException) throw new xxxBusinessException(e); } } |
5G已至 转型当时——服务提供商如何把握转型的绝佳时机
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